Sunday 17 April 2011

An unforgettable train travel

This was my first train travel to Cochin where my parents were living, it was my first experience of travelling alone. As my train was at 7.30 in the evening so I decided to leave my hostel at 6.30pm. I have two bags with me. As my friends afraid me a lot so I decided to keep a knife with me. Finally I reached the station at 7pm means half an hour before the arrival of train. This was my first step in the open world where no one was with me. Actually from the very childhood I remain a spoon feeded child. Who don't move a single step without the permission of their elders? Upto the time I was with my parent I use to ask everything with my papa or mom and now I feel safe to go anywhere with the permission of my warden madam, but this time I was all alone. My mind was repeating the words of my friends and making me nervous it can be easily seen by anyone. All were steering at me as they know that am alone and nervous too. Guys of my age were roaming here and there and were speaking awful, but I didn't even lift my eyes up. Finally I heard the announcement about my train arrival. It was on time and as it approaches to the platform I just hold my bag tight. It was horrible that within seconds a huge crowd was near me and seems that they want to push me to somewhere else. I made distance from the train and tried to go to my boggy but what I saw that a gang of boys were coming towards me they all had folded hand. For a sec I loose my temper but later on understand that here patience and brain is more useful to get rid of them. I decided to go in between the crowd and got into the boggy that was in front of me and due to attached boggy I manage to go to my own boggy. According to the instruction given by my mom, mine was upper berth, which is said to be the safest seat for a young girl. Well the gentry was mixed but all were seems interested in knowing about me. I decided not to talk to anyone. I spread my bed sheet over seat and lay down on it. An old man was seated in front of me. I was feeling happy and relax. But after two stations the man left the seat. This was now occupied by a young man. This makes me feel bad as his staring eyes made my temper high but what to do? It was his reserved seat. I just open a novel and start reading. The man started playing a romantic song at full speaker volume. Which make me feel disturbed? I have covered my face with my book and ignore it a lot. This was not enough. later on he off the main light so that I am unable to read. May be he was in a mood to disturb me. But instead of saying anything to him I said a man on lower berth to on the light. His stupid songs were in continuing. It was irritating but no way. Later on a police man come into my boggy and sit on the lower birth. He understands the unsaid feeling of that stupid man and said him to stop the music. But that shameless guy ignored it and just decreased its volume. The whole night I was sitting like an owl reading that novel. The whole boggy was sleeping only we three were awaken.  In the morning the stupid man suddenly packed his luggage and left the train the seat was now empty. It was some local station the policeman was still seated. Now two kids cover the seat and I gone for a sleep. My eyes opened with a jerk and what I saw it was 2pm. I wake up and ate something and watching different faces with different expressions. I was trying to read them suddenly the train stopped I was again in my novel going to finish it. I heard the voice of my father calling. I said “Yes papa”. He came in and holds my bag and said come down my child. After getting down from the train I just turned and saw the train again and smiled. Then we were in a bus to Cochin. Papa asked me about the travel experience and I told him the whole story. He was laughing as he is an army person too confident and me his loving daughter is so afraid of this small train travel. He said to me "My child this is the starting you had to travel a long travel of life, which is too tough and full of such stupid characters so be ready to face them and defeat them." well today am travelling from last four years with full confidence in my heart and rude voice. It doesn't mean that I don't any stupid irritating face in the train. Yes I face them but this time in a different way, firstly I gaze on them so sharply that my eyes will come out of my face and secondly shouted on them in too rude voice and then remains the silence in the whole travel.

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